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He was until recently a member of the NSW Centenary of Anzac Advisory Council chaired by Sir Peter Cosgrove and is the Founder and Chairman of the Pozieres French Australian School Project, (the Charles Bean School), a project put into abeyance in July 2021.

Will Davies first visited the Australian operational areas of the Western Front in 1993 and wrote a driving tour for the Department of Veterans Affairs titled, Villers Bretonneux to Le Hamel for the 80th anniversary of the battle in 1998.

He has also been a battlefield guide to both the Western Front in France and Belgium and to Gallipoli since 2010 and has led over twenty tours during this time, mainly personal and family tours of his own. As such, he would be one of the most knowledgeable, experienced and sought-after battlefield guides in Australia.

He is currently developing a range of history tours for the post-Covid period in Europe, the UK, Asia, the USA and within Australia, as he has a strong belief in the potential for historical travel, in particular with an older and educated clientele and those with a military interest.

In mid-September 2019 he delivered a Ted-X talk titled, Is History NOT all Bunk?

In April 2020, the Governor General launched his book, The Forgotten: The Chinese Labour Corps and the Chinese Anzacs in the Great War.

March 2021 saw the publication of his latest book Secret and Special for Penguin Random House Australia on the Z Special Unit.

His book Somme Mud has been turned into a screenplay and he is working with the writer on securing development funding.

He is in negotiations with Legacy to write their 100 years centenary book.

He is also currently researching two biographies and a family history and discussing further radio and television broadcast opportunities as a popularist historian and storyteller.